Recent Beans

Shopify Design & Build

The Brief

Recent Beans, a renowned producer of freshly roasted coffee located in West Yorkshire, operates two very successful coffee roasteries serving customers locally. They also provide wholesale coffee to a number of coffee shops, cafes, and restaurants in the area.

Building on this success, Recent Beans aimed to enhance their online presence with a new Shopify store to expand their direct-to-consumer (DTC) offering.

The objective was to improve their e-commerce capabilities to increase overall sales with a focus on building the subscription model, regularly delivering freshly roasted coffee to buyers across the UK.

Most importantly though, Recent Beans were looking for a true digital partner to grow their e-commerce offering, allowing the owners and in-house team to keep focus on building in-store and wholesale offerings.

The Challenges

The main challenge was developing an online store that was not only user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing but also effective in converting visitors into buyers and regular subscribers. The client was keen on a clean design that aligned with their brand and improved user experience to drive sales.

Additionally, an important aspect of Recent Beans’ in-store success was the ability for customers to consult with their knowledgeable team, creating a highly personalised shopping experience.

Reflecting this in-store experience online was crucial, building on a detailed understanding of the process and delivering a user experience that provided similar levels of customer guidance through the new Shopify store.

The Solution

Our approach included a series of strategic initiatives designed to align closely with the Recent Beans brand and ensure that every aspect of the Shopify store reflected their values and appeal:

  • Mobile-first: Our research showed that approx 80% of visitors were accessing the site from mobile devices, the new design had to be more than just ‘mobile-friendly’
  • Subscription Focus: We placed special emphasis on developing a robust subscription model to encourage ongoing customer engagement and repeat sales.
  • Redesigned Megamenu: Inspired by the in-store buying experience, the megamenu was revamped to make online navigation as intuitive as experiencing a physical shopping journey.
  • Detailed Consultations: We engaged in a series of detailed consultations with the brand, including time spent in their retail store to observe the customer journey in real time.
  • Social Proof: We incorporated Facebook reviews on both the home page and product pages to build trust and credibility.
  • Analytical Tools: We installed heatmapping tools on the existing site to facilitate well-informed, data-driven decisions regarding site enhancements. These tools are now used to guide our decisions when improving CRO.

Phase one of the site was completed 2 months ahead of schedule, in line with the brands partnership with a leading sporting body.

The Results

Conversion Rate Increase
+ 0 %
Total Orders
+ 0 %
Increase in Online Sales
+ 0 %
sparkle orangeTestimonial

What did the client think?